Need a job?
We will help.

MyCareerAdvisor is your FREE one-stop-shop for starting a career.




 Our goal is to build a more equitable workforce by empowering and employing individuals with barriers to employment.


Through education, trainings, and certification programs, we bring people into or help them return to the workforce.


Your donations and purchases are what make this vital work possible and free of charge to our communities. Thank you!


“I never made in my life more than ten dollars an hour...I saw anything more too far out of my reach.”

— Sharron, age 58 and now gainfully employed

How can we help?

  • I'm searching for a job.

    From a career jumpstart at Alabama Goodwill, to opportunities with our community partners, our Jobs Board is a great place to start!

  • I need help with skills and certifications.

    Level up your resume and skills with our Missions Services team. We have several curriculums and certification programs that are free of charge to you!