Empowerment through Education

“So many people like me just don’t get these opportunities.”

This is what Phillip Wilder recently said about his learning experience with Alabama Goodwill. Those opportunities he’s referring to? The training and certification courses made free of charge to the communities we serve through the generosity of our donors and shoppers.

Phillip, like many in his occupation, is a high school graduate with more than 14 years of professional maintenance experience. If not for being connected with our Good Partner Coach, he told us it’s likely he never would have pursued this growth opportunity for himself.

And, he’s not alone. Ten percent of workers with no digital skills and 18 percent of those with limited skills reported that they had studied for a formal degree or certificate (on any topic) within the past 12 months.


Currently employed US workers ages 16-64. Source: OECD Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC) 2012-14.

“What we see often at Alabama Goodwill is individuals like Phillip who are eager to learn, but haven’t had access or the resources to gain the skills required to propel them into progressive roles,” said Amanda Ford, VP of Organizational Development and Mission Advancement.

“Our goal is to empower all Alabamians through free education and trainings to get them to those higher earning jobs, and ultimately create a more equitable workforce in Alabama,” she added.

Phillip told us after passing all of his assessments that he feels more confident than ever in this technology-driven world.

"There was no pressure to pass on the first try, but it did feel really good to pass the assessments and know that I have the knowledge to continue to grow my skills and career. I’m thankful to everyone who made it possible for me.”

The data is abundantly clear. Digital skills are directly tied to employability and career growth, and we’re on a mission to bring these resources to all Alabamians who need them.

So far in 2021, we’ve administered more than 12,000 digital literacy courses free of charge to individuals, thanks to the generosity of our communities.

Are you or someone you know interested in reaching your full potential through our free career services? Contact us today to find out more.

Are you a business looking to hire from us, or partner with us to build up your teams? Reach out to us!


Decluttering before the holidays


Alabama Goodwill receives a warm Huntsville welcome!